10 rounds:
Sandbag Bear Hug Walking Lunge, pick load, 50ft
10 Deadlifts, 115/85lbs
4 Bar Muscle Ups
10 rounds:
Sandbag Bear Hug Walking Lunge, pick load, 50ft
10 Deadlifts, 115/85lbs
4 Bar Muscle Ups
Bear Hug Walking Lunges – I bear hugged a 45# plate for 10 rounds. I don’t recommend it.
WOD: 8 rounds with 85# DL and jumping C2B
The lunges took it all out of me this morning… dang! Nice work 630am
Lunges – worked up to 60lb sandbag but mostly 40lb wb+vest
WOD – 6+10 with jumping c2b
Lunges: 5@#80, 4@#100, 1@#150 – working on that summer beach booty
WOD: 6+11 rx
Walking bear hug lunges @ 30# wall ball x 7
WOD 8 flat @ 85# DL & jumping pull ups
Lunges: 30, 45×2, 60×2, 80×3, 100, 150
WOD: 5+10 Rx (no chicken wings and no misses!)