Snatch high pull and snatch 95lbs
WOD cap+12 with MU scale and 75 lb snatch, figured out a good pace in the second round but it was too late!
on July 3, 2019 at 1:22 pm
Snatch high pull + snatch 70 or 75 (not sure)
WOD Cap+12 with assisted MUs and snatches @ 55#
Jason D
on July 3, 2019 at 2:25 pm
Snatch high pull + Snatch up to 205
WOD: Cap + 22 rx (may have opened with too large of sets of RMU)
on July 3, 2019 at 4:51 pm
Snatch Complex: 105lbs. Just had no more in me today. Picked up 115 and dropped it 🤷♀️
WOD: Went with an Amanda attempt(9-7-5). Got 4 ring muscle ups in the round of 7.
Snatch high pull and snatch 95lbs
WOD cap+12 with MU scale and 75 lb snatch, figured out a good pace in the second round but it was too late!
Snatch high pull + snatch 70 or 75 (not sure)
WOD Cap+12 with assisted MUs and snatches @ 55#
Snatch high pull + Snatch up to 205
WOD: Cap + 22 rx (may have opened with too large of sets of RMU)
Snatch Complex: 105lbs. Just had no more in me today. Picked up 115 and dropped it 🤷♀️
WOD: Went with an Amanda attempt(9-7-5). Got 4 ring muscle ups in the round of 7.