Every minute on the minute for 20 mins, alternate between:
Even: Row 15/12 cals
Odd: 15 Pullups
Squat Snatch + Hang Squat Snatch, build to a heavy complex
Every minute on the minute for 20 mins, alternate between:
Even: Row 15/12 cals
Odd: 15 Pullups
Squat Snatch + Hang Squat Snatch, build to a heavy complex
Not a day of Jan Movement Jams in the gym today… 😬
Wod: 87 cals total and I did on average 6 pull-ups per round with bands.
Snatched up to 70#
My arms were dead. 💀
8 PM appearance!
Emom up to 101 butterfly pull-ups (10 every time, except the last!)
Snatch complex to 205
EMOM 6 bike cals and 6 banded pull-ups, mostly thick green+blue