Pullup – light green + purple bands
Dip – red band
WOD 21 cal bike + 7/9/8 = 24 burpee step overs
Jason D
on May 14, 2019 at 12:39 pm
75 lbs (20lb weight vest + 55lb plate) for 1rm pullup and dip
WOD: 21+21+20= 62 rx
on May 14, 2019 at 8:15 pm
1RM Weighted Pull Up = 32.5 (20lb vest + 5/5/2.5 plate stuffed in it)
1RM Weighted Ring Dip = 20lbs
WOD: 19rx. Went too hard on the 2nd row and back tightened up as per usual 🤷♀️
Pullup – light green + purple bands
Dip – red band
WOD 21 cal bike + 7/9/8 = 24 burpee step overs
75 lbs (20lb weight vest + 55lb plate) for 1rm pullup and dip
WOD: 21+21+20= 62 rx
1RM Weighted Pull Up = 32.5 (20lb vest + 5/5/2.5 plate stuffed in it)
1RM Weighted Ring Dip = 20lbs
WOD: 19rx. Went too hard on the 2nd row and back tightened up as per usual 🤷♀️