Press 5-4-3-2-1
For time:
Run 400m
10 Press, 135/95lbs
Run 400m
20 Push Press, 135/95
Run 400m
30 Push Jerks, 135/95
Press 5-4-3-2-1
For time:
Run 400m
10 Press, 135/95lbs
Run 400m
20 Push Press, 135/95
Run 400m
30 Push Jerks, 135/95
Press up to 80#
WOD 9:25 @ 55# and 200 m runs
Press up to 125. Pulled my “blind spot muscle” on one of the middle sets 🙁
WOD: 11:32rx. Thought it’d be the strict presses, was the jerks that proved to be the most challenging #ijustwannapushpress
Press up to 85# (felt good today)
WOD: 10:47 with 65# and 300m runs
And I agree a million percent with Lindsey on this one, Push presses were the best part – jerks suuuuucked.
Press to 95.5 lbs (thanks Lindsey!) (0.5 lb PR!)
WOD was 10:59 with 300m run and 70 lbs. Push Presses were a dream.
Press to 80 lbs (1rm is 85)
Wod 10:32 with 65lbs
Press to 1×170
WOD: 11:32 rx
Press: 140#
WOD: 10:45 w. 115# on the bar.