Sumo Deadlift 5-3-3-1-1-1
For time:
50 Sumo Deadlifts, 185/125
40 Wallballs, 20lb/10′, 14lb/9′
30 Toes to Bar
25 Sumo Deadlifts, 185/125
20 Wallballs, 20lb/10′, 14lb/9′
15 Toes to Bar
Sumo Deadlift 5-3-3-1-1-1
For time:
50 Sumo Deadlifts, 185/125
40 Wallballs, 20lb/10′, 14lb/9′
30 Toes to Bar
25 Sumo Deadlifts, 185/125
20 Wallballs, 20lb/10′, 14lb/9′
15 Toes to Bar
Sumo DL up to 195#
WOD: Cap + 26
DL 105
WB 14/9
I can’t seem to get that kip right on the leg raises and that ate up a lot of my time. #frustration
Sumo Deadlift 1RM 225#
WOD Cap + 55 @125#, 10# wall balls and leg raises from the floor
Sumos up to 1×465
WOD: 9:03 rx
Sumo deadlift 175lbs
WOD 11:02 with 85lb and knee raises
Sumo Deadlift up to 365lbs (95% of 1RM)
WOD: 10:29 Rx
10’s for Deadlifts
10’s for Wallballs in 40 round, UB in 20 round
5’s the whole way for TTB except the last five were 3/2
All of this felt sluggish
Sumo Deadlifts ~ 275lbs. It’s a PR, but I still find these awkward & uncomfortable.
WOD: Cap+10rx. I should have been able to finish this, however I don’t think I can blame it on the long weekend 😬#mustfitnessmore