3 rounds, 2 minutes each of:
30/20 Row calories
Max Reps in remaining time, Toes to Bar
Rest 2 minutes between rounds.
Sumo Deadlift, build to a heavy set of 2
3 rounds, 2 minutes each of:
30/20 Row calories
Max Reps in remaining time, Toes to Bar
Rest 2 minutes between rounds.
Sumo Deadlift, build to a heavy set of 2
Challenging day for this kid…but still fun.
WOD: 22-21-21 cals and I opted for TTB today, but they were singles and I got 3-2-3 with some failed ones in there, too. Things to work on…
Sumo DL: 175#
WOD: 48 rx (22,15,11) – glad it was only three rounds
SUMO DL 2rm: 485
OG + first half of noon class
Sumo DL: 165×2
WOD/3: 1 round 24 cals and 7 hanging leg raises
17 cal rows and 15 knee raises
Sumo DL 2RM 225#
WOD (or skill?) 28RX – had to do singles: 10, 9, 9
Sumo DL 2 RM 325
Skill 😉
AMRAP10: 5′ Handstand Walks
Score: 2
Row/Toes to Bar: 47 Rx (21, 15 unbroken, then 9+2 in the third round)
Topped out the Deadlift at 355lbs (92.2% of all-time best 385lbs)