Seated DB military press
60×10, 70×10 80×10, 90×10
Close grip Spoto press
135×10, 155×8, 155×15
Wide stance box squats
225+70# band tension x3x9
on September 5, 2019 at 9:25 pm
Snatch: 125lbs – pumped to get within 2lbs of PR territory, and at 8pm nonetheless! 😴
Clean & Jerk: 182lbs (+2Lb PR) Tried 185 twice but couldn’t even clean it.
Good work tonight everyone 👏🏻
Snatch: 85# (PR for squat snatch)
Clean and jerk: 120#
Great work 6am, great work on all the PR’s
Caption this disapproving photo!
Snatch 1rm: 225
Clean and Jerk 1rm: 275
both not PRs 🙁
Congrats to everyone smashing PRs today!
30 strict pull ups
DB serratus pull-overs 60x12x3
Lat pull-downs 85x12x5
Chainsaw pulls 60x20x3
Face pulls (rope handle) 30x15x4
Bent-over DB flyes 40x12x3
Triceps extension 60×10, 62×10, 63xMax=20
Front raises/lat raise super-sets 40x15x2
GHD sit-ups 15×3
Seated DB military press
60×10, 70×10 80×10, 90×10
Close grip Spoto press
135×10, 155×8, 155×15
Wide stance box squats
225+70# band tension x3x9
Snatch: 125lbs – pumped to get within 2lbs of PR territory, and at 8pm nonetheless! 😴
Clean & Jerk: 182lbs (+2Lb PR) Tried 185 twice but couldn’t even clean it.
Good work tonight everyone 👏🏻