Sandbag Walking Lunge, 10 x 12, pick load
15 rounds for time:
5 Toes to Bar
6 Box Jumps, 24″/20″
7 Pushups
Sandbag Walking Lunge, 10 x 12, pick load
15 rounds for time:
5 Toes to Bar
6 Box Jumps, 24″/20″
7 Pushups
Su telling barb to slow down!!
Full send Saturday
Med ball lunges @ 20#
WOD 12 rounds even with leg raises from the floor, step ups and push ups from toes
Did 4 sets at 20/30/30/60 but my toe was feeling wonky on the lunge so I stopped there.
WOD: 14:55rx. I really liked this one. T2B felt great until about round 8.
DB strict press 40’s x10x4
DB front & lateral raises (superset) 20’s x10x3
Hammer curls (Tempo 1-1-4) 35’s x6x3
Lunges: 60/80×6/100
WOD: 14:54 with mods of V-snaps + squats bc of calf cramps.