Every 1 minute for 45 minutes, alternate between:
15/12 cal Bike
15 AbMat Situps
15/12 cal Row
15 Good Mornings, 45/35
35 Double Unders
Every 1 minute for 45 minutes, alternate between:
15/12 cal Bike
15 AbMat Situps
15/12 cal Row
15 Good Mornings, 45/35
35 Double Unders
Tried to keep the pace… I hate that bike
avg bout 13 calories AB, everything else RX
Fun workout
Active Recovery pace today:
0:45 Casual Bike (didn’t turn monitor on)
10 GHD Situps or 15 AbMat Situps
0:45 Casual Row (didn’t flip monitor up)
10 GHD Hip Extensions
0:45 Casual Poor-Man’s Ski Erg
Good one!
“Riley”: 54:02rx. ⬅️ Someone hasn’t been to the gym enough lately and it shows…or at least feels that way 😬
“Active Recovery”
Rows and bike were 45 mins
And the rest rx