Every minute for 12 minutes, alternate between:
10 Bench Press, pick load
10 Pendlay Rows, pick load
4 rounds for time:
8 Dumbbell Power Cleans, 50/35
50ft Front Rack Dumbbell Walking Lunges, 50/35
12 Chinups
Every minute for 12 minutes, alternate between:
10 Bench Press, pick load
10 Pendlay Rows, pick load
4 rounds for time:
8 Dumbbell Power Cleans, 50/35
50ft Front Rack Dumbbell Walking Lunges, 50/35
12 Chinups
EMOM: 105/75. Failed the very last bench press rep.
WOD: 13:41rx. Wanted to quit after round 1! Rest went a bit better, though still to much rest.
Ah well, I got to work out today and that’s all that matters 😊
55/55 Bench and Pendlay
Wod: 9:57 with 20# and jumping Chin ups
EMOM: 90/85
WOD: 11:35RX