Hang Power Snatch 3RM
For time:
21 Strict Chinups
21 Hang Power Snatches, 115/85
100 Double Unders
15 Strict Chinups
15 Hang Power Snatches, 115/85
100 Double Unders
9 Strict Chinups
9 Hang Power Snatches, 115/85
100 Double Unders
Hang Power Snatch 3RM = 115lbs
WOD: Cap+ 100Rx. Hook gripped the whole thing and didn’t accidentally take it from the floor once, I call that a win!
3RM HPS 165
WOD: 14:29 scales to 95
3 Rep to 90 lbs.
WOD was 14:40 with 70 lbs, ring rows and 200 singles.