Every minute on the mintue for 20 mins, alternate between:
12 Burpee Box Jump Overs, 24″/20″
3 Hang Power Clean & Jerks, pick load
For time:
40 Deadlifts, 135/95
40 Pullups
400m Run
Every minute on the mintue for 20 mins, alternate between:
12 Burpee Box Jump Overs, 24″/20″
3 Hang Power Clean & Jerks, pick load
For time:
40 Deadlifts, 135/95
40 Pullups
400m Run
WOD 1: 8 burpess and clean/jerks at 85#. This was way hard.
WOD 2: 40DL 95#, 40 jumping PU and 400m run 7:30. I just wanted this to be over.
WOD 3: Driving home out of it. #madeit
DB bench 140x12x3
Decline close-grip bench 135×6, 155×7, 185x10x2
Incline DB flyes 80x12x4
Matador dips (3 max effort 1min rest) 12-10-10
Push ups 10×3 superset with lying DB tricep extensions 60x10x3
WOD 1: Between 10-8 burps per round and Hang Clean and Jerks at 175
WOD 2: 5:16 rx
Large Monday – WOOF
Started with 8 BBJO then down to 6 or 7 each round and 85# HPC&J
Cap+150m @ 95# DL and jumping pull ups