Every minute for 12 minutes, alternate between:
60 Double Unders
20 cal Row
Clean & Jerk
Build to a heavy single.
Every minute for 12 minutes, alternate between:
60 Double Unders
20 cal Row
Clean & Jerk
Build to a heavy single.
WOD 10 DUs and 9 calories
(Got 18 DUs unbroken in one round)
Squat Clean & Jerk 115#
“Warmup” rx (this hurt more than it should)
1rm Clean and Jerk: 285 (20 lb pr!!!)
EMOM – Goal: 11 bike cals/60 DU. Reality: exercise for 45s then switch (worst round was 8 cals/30 DU)
Strength – romwod/nap
60 Doubles (60, 58/2, 60, 60, 60, 60) – this is ALLLLL the positive I’m taking away from this 12 minutes of gas fest!
14 cals
Clean & Jerk up to 235lbs
– Cleaned 245 but missed the Jerk…called ‘er a day
Flight Simulator Toes to Bar
Missed on 3 on the way down 😜
Flight simulator following Greg because it sounded fun! 8:48.
Wod- 60doubles for all 6 rounds and 15cal for first three rounds and then down to 12. That was brutal!
Clean and jerk up to 115.
EMOM12: Averaged 16 cals (18-18-16-15-15-16) and 50 DUs (60-60-50-50-45-45)
C&J: Up to 210#. That’s a PR for both squat cleans and split jerks so pretty stoked with that.