10 rounds, each for time, of:
Row 200m
50 Double Unders
Complete 1 round every 1:30
Split Jerk 3-2-1-1-1
10 rounds, each for time, of:
Row 200m
50 Double Unders
Complete 1 round every 1:30
Split Jerk 3-2-1-1-1
150m row & 50 DU’s
Workout: did 7 rounds rx, had to scale last 3 to 35 skips instead of 50
Split Jerks:
Just barely missed 300 afterwards
Did this in reverse
Split Jerks up to 235, 240 fail
no real structure, somewhere between 175-200 on row, and 35-50 DU’s
WOD: 180m/35 Double Unders (average) wow 😳
3 rounds Rx
3 rounds at 160m/20 Double Unders
4 rounds at 180m/35 Double
Priority 2:
Unable to Handstand Hold
50 Kick-up attempts with the goal of kicking up into a handstand. A few of em were legit for a second or two.
Priority 3:
4×4 Push Press @ 165lbs
Split Jerk to 245lbs and missed 255lbs by a hair!!!
Lifetime PR is 265lbs
Priority 1 @ Home
6x200m (rest 1 min between)
:51 :46 :46 :45 :45 :45
4x400m (rest 1:30 between)
1:37 1:36 1:37 1:37
2x800m (rest 2:00 between)
3:27 3:29
Wod 160m + 3×35 and the rest 20 DUs
Split jerk – 145lbs which I think is +5 PR
WOD started at 150mx2 rounds then down to 125m
DUs 0 to 16 per round
Split Jerk 130# for 15# PR
OG Shoulder and hip mobility
Wod: 180+35
Split Jerk: up to 225 (+5 Pr!)
WOD 160/50
Split jerk 160 (+15 pr)
I loved going at 4:30pm!
WOD was 120m + 70 single unders. Shawna was a great partner – I was able to complete this every round.
Split Jerk with Margaret. My previous PR (from 2016 and then again in 2017) was 155 lbs. I was able to hit 165 lbs yesterday with the help of two midday krispy kreme donuts.