1 Squat Clean + 1 Hang Squat Clean
Build to a heavy complex.
3 rounds for time:
25 Hang Squat Cleans, 95/65
10 Bar Muscle Ups
Run 400m
1 Squat Clean + 1 Hang Squat Clean
Build to a heavy complex.
3 rounds for time:
25 Hang Squat Cleans, 95/65
10 Bar Muscle Ups
Run 400m
Clean complex up to 120#
WOD “scale all the things”
55# cleans – I could NOT get in a rhythm with these, I would have gone faster doing thrusters! Insert eye roll emoji. hehe
10 low RR
300m run
Clean complex up to 130lbs
2+35+100m, scaled with ring rows (not the slightest bit low) and 300m run.
Clean complex to 290
WOD: Capped at 2+33 rx – tried to go 5+5 on the BMUs, but that only lasted so long…
Back at it after a week off… felt every minute of it
complex up to 185, missed first one, got second
WOD RX – Capped out 2+25
Gotta get back to work
Complex up to 225lbs
WOD: 2+19 @ Cap // 20:48
5 Bar MUs
Priority 1:
Unbroken Double Unders
This was a dumpster fire.
20:38 at 68/80
Called it there
Priority 2:
15.25” Box Squats
Priority 3:
8 rounds
0:20 Jumping Lunges, 0:10 Rest
0:20 Jumping Squats, 0:10 Rest
182 Reps
Big day to get back on the horse!
Clean complex up to 105#
WOD 2+4 @ 55# cleans, ring rows and 400m runs ( more like run, walk, run!)