Workout A:
3 rounds, 3 mins each of:
30 cal Bike
AMRAP remaining time: Burpee Box Jump Overs, 24″/20″
Rest 3 minutes between rounds
Workout B:
3 rounds, 3 mins each of:
30 cal Row
AMRAP remaining time: Burpee Pullups
Rest 3 minutes between rounds
WOD A: 21 bike cals and 9 burpee box step overs/round = 27
WOD B: 17 bike cals and 8/9/8 burpee knee raises = 25
WOD A: 19+17+15= 51 rx
WOD B: 15+14+14= 43 rx
WOD A: 18 Rx (Active Recovery Pace)
WOD B: 42 RX (Moderate pace)
Priority 1:
5x Max Effort Strict Ring Dips
Did a set every 2 mins
Priority 2:
10RM Sumo Deadlift
Had more in the tank….
Priority 3:
10km Bike