Kipping Pullup
For time:
21 L Arm DB Strict Press, 50/35lbs
21 Pullups
21 R Arm DB Strict Press, 50/35lbs
21 Pullups
15 L Arm DB Strict Press, 50/35lbs
15 C2B Pullups
15 R Arm DB Strict Press, 50/35lbs
15 C2B Pullups
9 L Arm DB Strict Press, 50/35lbs
9 Bar Muscle Ups
9 R Arm DB Strict Press, 50/35lbs
9 Bar Muscle Ups
WOD: 11:00 (12m cap) with 25# DB presses and 21 round did jumping pullups, and the other rounds, I was aiming for jumping C2B pullups, so I jumped as high as I could, but there was no chest to bar contact. haha! No time to grab a plate mid-wod, so that’s that.
This was hard on the hands!
WOD 11:49 with 20lb DB and jumping PU for 21s then jumping C2B for the 15s and 9s
WOD: Cap+12 Rx – needed to cycle through the C2B faster to get through this one
Easing back into it!
Day 2 – 136 reps #35lbs
Looking forward to this feeling a bit better but still great to be back!
WOD 10:51 with 20# strict 1-arm DB press and jumping pull ups for first round and jumping C2B pull ups for 15 and 9 rep rounds