Every minute for 21 mins, alternate between:
15/12 cal Row
10 Strict Handstand Pushups
5 Weighted Pullups
Split Jerk, 1RM
Every minute for 21 mins, alternate between:
15/12 cal Row
10 Strict Handstand Pushups
5 Weighted Pullups
Split Jerk, 1RM
Skill 10 then 8 cal row, HSPU from 24” box and pull ups with thin green and blue bands
Split Jerk up to 135# (5# PR)
Skill 10 cals, 20lb DB press, pull ups with thick green + blue bands
1rm split jerk 150lbs (+5 PR!)
EMOM with 35 lb DB presses and unweighted pull-ups
1rm Split Jerk: 275