Single-Arm Overhead Squats, build to a heavy set of 5 per arm
For time:
60 Alternating Dumbbell Snatches, 50/35lbs
50 Burpee Box Jump Overs, 24″/20″
40 cal Bike
30 Single Arm Overhead Squats, 50/35lbs
20 Ring Muscle Ups
Single-Arm Overhead Squats, build to a heavy set of 5 per arm
For time:
60 Alternating Dumbbell Snatches, 50/35lbs
50 Burpee Box Jump Overs, 24″/20″
40 cal Bike
30 Single Arm Overhead Squats, 50/35lbs
20 Ring Muscle Ups
OH DB squats up to 50
Wod: Cap + 1 rx – failed that last RMU right at the buzzer!
OH DB squat up to 35lbs
WOD 23:56 with 25lb snatches, burpee step overs, ring MU scale
Going to try to start posting more consistently now that mert prep has begun!
Sumo DL 350x3x6
Conventional deficit DL 225x5x5
Seated row 100x10x3
Good mornings 185x3x5
DB shrugs 140x10x5
OH DB squat 5RM 70 (KBs)
WOD : 21:33 Rxd
DBOHS: 30lbs. Mobility exposer!
WOD: Cap+12rx. Just wanted to get to the RMUs! Was pumped to get 8, and a double on the last 2. Not bad for not working out all week 🥴
DB OHS to 40#
Loved this Wod! Lots of pregnancy mods but Time: 18:38 I think.
Chippers are my fave!!
OHS 5RM: 50
WOD: 22:38 w/ jumping MU