Every minute for 12 minutes, alternate between:
15/12 cal Row
15 Box Jump Overs, 24″/20″
5 rounds for time:
400m Run
10 Clean & Jerks, 135/95lbs
Every minute for 12 minutes, alternate between:
15/12 cal Row
15 Box Jump Overs, 24″/20″
5 rounds for time:
400m Run
10 Clean & Jerks, 135/95lbs
Skill (aka WOD 1) scaled with box step overs
Wod 2 18:12 with 300m run and 85 lbs YOWZA
What a morning…
Skill killed me, did 3 rounds Rx and then I fell apart, le big time. Did 10 cals and 12 box jumps.
WOD: 17:41 with 65# and 300m runs – could not keep up with Ms. Dobbin… next time! haha! 😉
Skill: RX – fun to work on lateral box jumps under fatigue
WOD: 16:59 RX – runs 3 and 4 were rough
EMOM: 12 cals round 1&2, 9 cals round 3&4, 10 cals round 5&6. Pumped I managed all 15 BJOs each time though!
WOD: technically cap +10, but I wanted to finish the sucker and I did at 21:11rx #hasanyoneseenmycardio?
One of the sweatier wods ever!
EMOM 12 cal row for round 1 then 10 cal row for the rest and 10 box step overs
WOD Cap+6 with 1x300m run and 4x200m run/walk and C&J @ 75#
10 mins of HS Walking Practice
Rows done in 0:42-0:48
BJOs done in 0:28-0:33
WOD: 19:11 Rx