Every 1:30 for 15 minutes:
1 Front Squat, pick load
5 rounds for time of:
15 Wallballs, 20lb/10′, 14lb/9′
15 Pullups
50 Double Unders
Every 1:30 for 15 minutes:
1 Front Squat, pick load
5 rounds for time of:
15 Wallballs, 20lb/10′, 14lb/9′
15 Pullups
50 Double Unders
Didn’t skip CrossFit to watch CrossFit, pt II.
Front squat – 6 sets @ 135, 3 @ 145 and last at 150, all felt great! August 2018 my 1rm was 140lbs
WOD 14:48 with ring rows and VV broken DUs. PSA if you can do 7 DUs in a row, this wod is still possible.
I’ve skipped so much CrossFit to watch CrossFit 😬
Front Squat up to 320
WOD: 13:03 rx
Front squat:
WOD: 11:43RX