For time:
100 Double Unders
3.6km Bike
1.2km Run
2.4km Bike
800m Run
1.2km Bike
400m Run
0.6km Bike
200m Run
100 Double Unders
For time:
100 Double Unders
3.6km Bike
1.2km Run
2.4km Bike
800m Run
1.2km Bike
400m Run
0.6km Bike
200m Run
100 Double Unders
Yikes! Can you say cardio lacking? Must run more.
Drew “kindly” let the clock roll past the 30 min cap so I finished it scaled in 34:28. Did the 100 DUs at the beginning/end but in between was 3km bike, 1km run, 2km bike, 800m run, 1km bike, 400m run, 500m bike, 200m run.
This was definitely spicy 🌶
Rx despite running error second round (eh Rachel 😁)