10 rounds for quality:
50ft 1-arm Dumbbell Overhead Walk, pick load
Complete as many rounds as possible in 21 mins:
Run 400m
16 Alternating 1-arm Dumbbell Snatches, 50/35lbs
8 Muscle Ups
10 rounds for quality:
50ft 1-arm Dumbbell Overhead Walk, pick load
Complete as many rounds as possible in 21 mins:
Run 400m
16 Alternating 1-arm Dumbbell Snatches, 50/35lbs
8 Muscle Ups
OH DB lunges @ 12#
WOD 3+313 with 300 m runs, 20# DB snatches and ring rows+dips
OH DB Lunges: all at 30 lbs – really trying to stack the shoulder and keep my elbow locked (struggles)
WOD: 3+300 rx
OH DB lunges 25lbs for last 6 rounds
WOD shortened the time due to work so in 14 mins I did 3 rounds even with 25lb DB and ring row + pushup combo for MUs
OH DB lunges – did 20# for the set.
WOD: 4+100 with 25# and the recommended modification for RMU (legs under on the floor kinda thing… does it have a name?)