4 rounds, 2 minutes each:
20/15 cal Row
AMREP remaining time – Burpee Box Jump Overs, 30″/24″
Rest 2 minutes between each round
Overhead Squat 3RM
4 rounds, 2 minutes each:
20/15 cal Row
AMREP remaining time – Burpee Box Jump Overs, 30″/24″
Rest 2 minutes between each round
Overhead Squat 3RM
WOD: 16+15+13+14= 58 rx
OHS 3 RM: 225 (pr!)
WOD 34 burpee box step overs
OHS 3x 105lbs (2/3 at 115lbs but not quite low enough on the last one)
WOD: 45 (11+11+11+12) Rx
Overhead Squat up to 175×3
Priority 1:
Power Snatch + Snatch
135-137.5-140-142.5-145-147.5-150-152.5-155-157.5 – NO MISSES!
Priority 2:
10 GHD Situps
10 Ring Rows
Priority 3:
20 rounds: 20 sec On, 40 sec Off Echo Bike, for distance
WOD: 33rx w/11cals on the bike. Miscounted in class – went 8/8/9/8.
OHS 3RM = 155lbs ~ PR for 3 AND 1!
Great lifting with Barb tonight, who KlLLED her old PRs 💪🏻
OHS 3 RM: 142 (1RM for 1 is 140)