Every 15 seconds for 10 minutes:
1 Weighted Strict Pullup, pick load
4 rounds, 3 minutes each:
Run 400m
AMRAP remaining time: AbMat Situps
Every 15 seconds for 10 minutes:
1 Weighted Strict Pullup, pick load
4 rounds, 3 minutes each:
Run 400m
AMRAP remaining time: AbMat Situps
Everyone looks so happy in his pic! 🙂
Pullups – assisted with bands (skinny green, red, and blue.)
WOD: 300m x 4 and sit ups were 38-36-35-39 (148)
Thanks Coach Drew! Hope you had fun with the 530-630 crew! 🙂
Pull-ups : first 20 with full camo vest, second 20 without.
Wod: 51+46+42+41= 180 rx
Each run was between 1:30 and 1:35
Pull ups with 2 thin green bands
WOD 300 m row x 4 and 152 abmat sit ups (35-37-40-41)
Thanks to Drew for hanging with the early risers this week!