Every minute for 10 mins, alternate between
Even: AMREP: Strict Pullups
Odd: Rest
AMRAP5: Snatch, bodyweight
Rest 5 minutes
AMRAP5: Clean & Jerk, bodyweight
Every minute for 10 mins, alternate between
Even: AMREP: Strict Pullups
Odd: Rest
AMRAP5: Snatch, bodyweight
Rest 5 minutes
AMRAP5: Clean & Jerk, bodyweight
EMOM – 15 pullups with thick green band
WOD – 16 snatches and 20 clean and jerks @85
EMOM: 46 rx (10,10,9,9,8)
WOD: 2 snatches and 10 clean and jerks at 225 (20 lbs under bodyweight)
Pullups: 12-10-10-9-9 = 50 Rx
WOD: 5+12 Rx @ 180lbs
(all Squat Snatches & Cleans)
Pull ups: 10-9-9-9-9
Snatch: 10@185
C&J: 17@185
AMRAP 20: 400m run/max effort push ups
9 rounds plus 300m with 144 push ups
Pull ups 39 with thin green + 2 skinny blue bands
WOD Clean 19 & Jerks 24? Don’t remember and didn’t write it down
C&J @ 65#
Snatches 19
Clean & Jerks 24?
PU: 46
WOD: 2 squat snatches at 115 (not counting all the power snatches 😩)
8 squat clean and jerks at 150 (not counting the push presses 😖)