Workout A:
Complete as many rounds as possible in 12 mins of:
5 Power Cleans, 155/105lbs
10 Chest-to-Bar Pullups
15 Wallballs, 20lb/10′, 14lb/9′
Rest 5 minutes
Workout B:
Complete as many rounds as possible in 12 mins of:
5 Power Snatches, 155/105lbs
5 Overhead Squats, 155/105lbs
5 Bar Muscle Ups
Well that was 10lbs of trash in a 5lbs bag…. Nice to be back at 5:30 though.
WOD A: 4+16 @ 65# with jumping pull ups
WOD B: 5+2 @ 65# with jumping C2B pull ups
A: 5+2 with 65# and jumping PU
B: 5+4 with 65# and jumping C2B
WOD A: 5+6 rx
WOD B: 4+1 rx
Fun day at Fundy
WOD A: 5+13 @ 115lbs
WOD B: 4+10 @ 115lbs