Push ups without a band
Pull ups with small green and thin blue then 2 small green bands
WOD Cap+125 with power cleans @ 75#, wall balls @ 10#/9’ and single unders
on May 8, 2019 at 12:26 pm
Part 1: Did push ups no band. Pull ups with small green and small red.
WOD: 17:49 with 75# Cleans, 14#/9′, 60 DU
Either I’m getting older or these WODs are getting way harder. When your husband says “Jesus, you look disheveled” when you get home, you know it was a rough one. 😉
Jason D
on May 8, 2019 at 2:02 pm
Pushups with blue band, Pullups with 20 lb vest
Workout du Jour: 10:50 rx – pretty wheelhousey for me.
on May 8, 2019 at 2:46 pm
Pushups fr bar and pullups with thin green + red then switched to thick green
WOD 2+5 rx ~15 mins, stopped in the last set of cleans due to lit glute/ham.
on May 8, 2019 at 6:51 pm
Banded Pushups
Pullups +20lbs then 4 rounds at body weight
WOD: 14:22 RX (not wheelhousey)
EMOM5: 7 UB C2B Pullups
3 rounds for quality of a very tough Bulgarian Split Squat complex which included a few isometric holds. It hurt.
on May 8, 2019 at 7:47 pm
Banded push ups with blue band and unweighted strict pull ups.
WOD: 13:14rx. Hey wallballs, remember when we were friends??
Bench Press 1RM = 172.5lbs (+7.5 lb PR)
Dumbbell Bench Press 60x10x2
Push ups without a band
Pull ups with small green and thin blue then 2 small green bands
WOD Cap+125 with power cleans @ 75#, wall balls @ 10#/9’ and single unders
Part 1: Did push ups no band. Pull ups with small green and small red.
WOD: 17:49 with 75# Cleans, 14#/9′, 60 DU
Either I’m getting older or these WODs are getting way harder. When your husband says “Jesus, you look disheveled” when you get home, you know it was a rough one. 😉
Pushups with blue band, Pullups with 20 lb vest
Workout du Jour: 10:50 rx – pretty wheelhousey for me.
Pushups fr bar and pullups with thin green + red then switched to thick green
WOD 2+5 rx ~15 mins, stopped in the last set of cleans due to lit glute/ham.
Banded Pushups
Pullups +20lbs then 4 rounds at body weight
WOD: 14:22 RX (not wheelhousey)
EMOM5: 7 UB C2B Pullups
3 rounds for quality of a very tough Bulgarian Split Squat complex which included a few isometric holds. It hurt.
Banded push ups with blue band and unweighted strict pull ups.
WOD: 13:14rx. Hey wallballs, remember when we were friends??
Bench Press 1RM = 172.5lbs (+7.5 lb PR)
Dumbbell Bench Press 60x10x2