5 rounds for quality:
Single-Arm Overhead Carry, 50ft Left
Single-Arm Overhead Carry, 50ft Right
5 rounds for time:
400m Run
20 Medicine Ball Cleans, 20/14
5 rounds for quality:
Single-Arm Overhead Carry, 50ft Left
Single-Arm Overhead Carry, 50ft Right
5 rounds for time:
400m Run
20 Medicine Ball Cleans, 20/14
I promise I will post a CF WOD soon…
Chin ups 10×3 SS Dips 10×3
Serratus Pull-over 70x10x3 SS Front Db raises 20’sx10x3
Lat pull down 95x12x5 SS Push ups 10×5
Chainsaw pulls 70x20x3 SS Hammercurls 35’sx8x3
Cable rope face-pulls 40x15x4 SS Triceps Extensions 73x10x4
Close grip Spoto press 135x8x2 SS DB skull crushers 1/2 ROM 35’sx8x2
Endurance challenge with Jay 1:21:15 🔥🔥🔥 vicious circle of Jay being really fast, me getting no rest, me being really slow, jay getting lots of rest, jay being really fast