Every minute on the minute for 10 mins:
50ft Handstand Walk
Complete 2 rounds for total reps:
2 mins Box Jump Overs, 24″/20″
2 mins Kettlebell Swings, 53/35lbs
2 mins Burpees
2 mins Rest
Every minute on the minute for 10 mins:
50ft Handstand Walk
Complete 2 rounds for total reps:
2 mins Box Jump Overs, 24″/20″
2 mins Kettlebell Swings, 53/35lbs
2 mins Burpees
2 mins Rest
Skill: 10 hand lifts with legs 90 degrees
WOD: 101 and 102 reps with step overs
Skill: Practiced walking every minute – hit 4-5 feet once or twice!
WOD: 105+105 for 210 rx
Afternoon open gym with Greg
Used dumbbells for shoulder taps 20lbs then switched to 15lbs for 10 reps emom10.
Wod- 222Rx (116+106)
5’ Handstand Walks
Attempts each round to get the 5’ were:
Also got a 10’ length for a 5’ PR!
WOD: 125 + 104 = 229 Rx
Round 1: 50-45-30
Round 2: 38-38-28
Them Box Jump Overs really died off…